

ViaDirect informs you of its installations around the world, its events, its new features, its partnerships, and everything that we hold dear!

ViaDirect has just equipped its first office building’s client with 25 kiosks at La Défense. Composed of 55’’ and 40’’ multi-touch screens, and of the ViaDirect Building solution, this installation helps colleagues to position themselves within floors, offices, and building departments.
Located in Epinay-sur-Seine, the shopping mall “L’îlo” has just been equipped with the ViaDirect software and kiosks. Immochan, the commercial ground rent working for Auchan’s shopping malls, began a digitizing policy in several malls in France.
Located in Tarbes, the shopping mall “E. Leclerc Le Méridien” has just been equipped with 3 multitouch kiosks and with the wayfinding and information software of ViaDirect.
Located in Metz, the shopping mall “Semécourt” has just been equipped with ViaDirect software and kiosks.  Immochan, the commercial ground rent working for Auchan’s shopping malls, began a digitizing policy in several malls in France.
The ground rent Mercialys (Casino group) has entrusted ViaDirect with the setup of multitouch wayfinding and information solution for its shopping malls. Located in Fréjus, the shopping mall “Allée des Hirondelles” is the first to be equipped with 2 kiosks of ViaDirect.
The shopping mall "Avant-Cap" (SCC ground rent) has chosen ViaDirect to equip itself with an interactive multitouch wayfinding solution to cover 20 000m² and 120 shops.
ViaDirect equips Maison Neuve center. Immochan, the commercial ground rent working for the Auchan shopping malls, began a digitizing policy in several malls in France.
Located in the city center of Strasbourg, the shopping mall « Place des Halles » is now equipped with ViaDirect, the information, and wayfinding solution. This mall, operated by Hammerson, is one of the major shopping centers in Strasbourg.