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Your digital interaction is more than just an afterthought; it’s an essential part of your online presence. That’s why we at ViaDirect have developed 2 ingenious solutions: a SDK and iframe Map Solutions. Let’s take a dive into the future of user experience together.


Flavoring your App with our innovative SDK

A Software Development Kit (SDK) is a collection of software tools that developers use to create applications for specific platforms. With ViaDirect’s SDK, you can easily integrate a comprehensive map into your existing mobile application, giving your users the power to plan their visits meticulously and manage their time efficiently. The SDK transforms your app into a planning tool, augmenting the user experience and driving higher customer retention rates. 


A website navigation that makes sense with our iframe map

An iframe is an HTML document embedded inside another HTML document on a website. It’s like a map within your webpage, and ViaDirect’s iframe map solution makes it possible to provide this valuable tool directly on your website. This gives your users easy access to the map ahead of their visits, allowing them to familiarize themselves with the layout of the space and plan their visit in advance. The result is a smoother, more coherent user experience. 


Unleashing Potential with ViaDirect

In an era where digital transformation is paramount, ViaDirect’s offerings – an efficient SDK for your mobile applications and a faultless iframe for your websites – provide indispensable tools for bettering user engagement and satisfaction. With these features, not only can your users plan ahead, but your platforms become more user-friendly, intuitive, and valuable to your customers. 


Harness the power of ViaDirect’s solutions and let your users navigate and plan with ease. Adopt ViaDirect’s SDK and iframe Map solutions today, and watch as your customer loyalty and user experience reach unprecedented heights. Give your customers what they want, when they want it, right at their fingertips. With ViaDirect, your customer journey has never been smoother. Contact us for more information!